Recipes by Ingredients

Just click on the ingredient of your choice.


Apricot Essence from Grasse

Baking Chocolate

Biscuit Rose

Black Cherry Preserves

Black Olive Tapenade


Buckwheat Flour


Ceps (Porcini Mushrooms)


Cherries in Liqueur

Chestnut Spread

Crêpe Mix


Dijon Mustard

Ebly Wheat


Espelette Pepper

Fleur de Sel

Gelatin Sheets

Germon Tuna

Granny Smith Apple Syrup

Green Flageolets

Green Lentils

Green Mint Syrup

Grenadine Syrup


Hazelnut Oil


Lavender Essence from Grasse

Lemon Essence from Grasse

Lemon Syrup

Mango Syrup



Olive Oil

Orange Blossom Water

Orange Jam

Passion Fruit Syrup

Pâté Hénaff

Peach Syrup

Petit Épeautre (Einkorn)

Provence Herbs

Provence Herbs Mustard

Pure Cane Syrup

Purple Mustard

Raspberry Syrup

Red Wine Vinegar

Rose Syrup

Strawberry Syrup

Tarragon Mustard

Violet Syrup

Walnut Oil

Whole Grain Mustard

Xérès Vinegar



Apricot Essence from Grasse

Crispy Shrimp with Apricot Sauce

Ingredients (serves 6)
for breaded shrimp
18 large raw shrimp
2 Tbps corn flour
3 whole eggs, beaten
240 grams bread crumbs
neutral oil
for apricot sauce
2 apricots
¼ tsp apricot essence from Grasse
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
1 Tbsp water
1 tsp sugar
1 pinch ground ginger

Peel shrimp while keeping tails intact. Make a cut in backs lengthwise to flatten shrimps. Have corn flour, beaten eggs, and corn flours in 3 different dishes. Roll each shrimp in corn flour, beaten eggs, then bread crumbs. Set aside.
Wash and cut apricots, then purée them. Add apricot essence, olive oil and vinegar and mix well. Add sugar and ground ginger. Mix and refrigerate.
Heat neutral oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Sauté shrimp 1 minute on each side, until bread crumbs have a nice golden color.
Serve hot with apricot sauce to dip shrimp in.

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Baking Chocolate

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Chocolate and Ginger Cake
Ingredients (serves 8)
200 grams (7 oz) baking chocolate
50 grams (2 oz) fresh ginger root
175 grams (6 oz) soft butter
3 eggs
160 grams (5 oz) sugar
100 grams (
3½ oz) ground almonds
40 grams
(3½ oz)
1 pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 220°C (430

Cut chocolate into pieces and let melt in a double-sauce pan.
Peel and finely grate ginger root.
Make a paste of soft butter and whisk gradually with melted chocolate. Add sugar and egg yolks one by one and whisk energetically.
Add flour, ground almond, grated ginger and mix.
Beat egg whites stiff with a pinch of salt. Mix delicately with batter.
Pour into a cake tray, lower oven temperature to 170°C (
and bake for 40 minutes.
Let cool down before removing from tray.

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Biscuit Rose

Moëlleux aux Biscuits Roses


12 biscuits roses
3 eggs
70 g (5 Tbsp) soft butter
150 g (⅔ cup) sugar
60 g (2 oz) ground almonds
1 tsp vanilla extract
a few drops red or pink food coloring (optional)
edible pastry flowers
Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Grind biscuits roses and set aside.
Separate egg yolks and whites. Whisk yolks and sugar. Whisk in ground biscuits roses, butter, ground almonds, vanilla extract, and food coloring.
Stiffly whip egg whites then stir about a third into the mixture. Each of next and last thirds should be incorporated delicately.
Bake in a buttered or silicone tray for about 20 minutes. Remove from tray, sprinkle confectioners sugar and decorate with edible pastry flowers.

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Black Cherry Preserves

Stuffed Baby Bell Peppers

Stuffed baby pepper bells

Perfect for apéritif!

Ingredients (serves 6-8)
12 small bell peppers
200g feta cheese
red onion, minced
1 lemon
a few springs of fresh thyme
olive oil
black cherry preserves

Cut small bell peppers in half length-wise. Remove seeds.
In a bowl mix feta cheese, red onion, lemon zest, and half of lemon juice. Add in a generous dash of olive oil and mix.
Fill bell pepper halves with filling with a teaspoon, then place in an oven tray.
Bake 10 minutes at 220ºC (430ºF).
Add a little black cherry preserves in each bell pepper just before serving.

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Black Olive Tapenade

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Salmon Papillottes
Ingredients (serves 4)
4 cuts of salmon (5x5 cm)
2 onions
1 lemon
1 small jar of black olive tapenade
salt and pepper
olive oil
4 aluminum foils

Pre-heat oven to 200°C (400°F).
Peel and slice onions. Sauté with some olive oil on low heat until they become translucent.
On each aluminum foil, arrange a salmon piece on a layer of onion. Spread 1 tbsp of black olive tapenade on one side of the salmon piece. Pour 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of olive oil. Add salt, pepper and dill to your taste.
Wrap each foil and bake for 20 minutes.
Serve with roast potatoes or French beans.

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Buckwheat Flour

Sarrasin & Coconut Cookies

Sarrasin & Coconut Cookies

Elevate your afternoon snack experience!

Ingredients (serves 6)
160g Treblec buckwheat flour
70g grated coconut
50g cassonade (brown cane sugar)
50g neutral oil
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
a pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180 C (350 F).
In a large bowl mix flour, coconut, cassonade, baking soda and salt.
Add in egg and oil. Mix well until the dough is homogeneous.
Make small balls of dough. Lay them on a baking sheet and flatten them a little, not too much.
Bake 15-20 minutes.

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Taboule Salad


This Levantine salad has been a French favorite for decades. Here it is, your perfect healthy lunch.

Ingredients (serves 8)
cup bulgur
¼ cup lemon juice
2 larges tomatoes
2 bunches parsley
1 bunch mint
¼ cup olive oil
spring or green onions
salt and pepper to taste

Chop and slice tomatoes, parsley, mint, spring/green onions into fine pieces and slices and add them into a salad bowl.
Add bulgur, lemon juice, olive oil.
Stir, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Serve chilled.

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Carambar Cake

25 Carambar sticks
150 grams (10 Tbsp) butter
10 cl ( cup) milk
150 grams ( cup) sugar
3 eggs
160 grams (1½ cup) all-purpose wheat flour
1 pouch baking powder

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
In a sauce pan heat 20 Carambar sticks together with milk and butter.
Cut 5 remaining sticks in small pieces and set aside.
In a bowl beat eggs and sugar. Pour in flour and baking powder and mix.
Once the carambar mixture has completely melted pour in the bowl and mix with the batter.
Pour in a buttered cake pan and add the small pieces of Carambar sticks on top.
Bake for 40 minutes. Serve at room temperature with scoops of vanilla ice cream.

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Ceps (Porcini Mushrooms)

Cocotte Eggs with Ceps (Porcini Mushrooms)

This simple recipe makes for a refined and tasty appetizer. You can also dress it up by adding a thin layer of prosciutto, or even a little foie gras, to the cream and cep mix.


Ingredients (serves 4)
20 cl (1 cup) crème fraîche or heavy liquid cream
4 eggs
25 grams (1 oz) dried ceps (porcini mushrooms)
salt and pepper

Soak dried ceps in warm water for 15 minutes then drain.
Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
Arrange cream and ceps in 4 oven-proof ramekins. Add salt and pepper.
Keep ramekins in oven until the cream and cep mix is boiling.
Take out of oven and break one egg in each ramekin.
Return to oven for 8 minutes. Make sure to time precisely.
Serve with thin slices of bread.


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Semolina Quenelles with White Wine and Porcini Sauce


Accompany this savory dish with a crunchy endive salad for a tasty, healthy meal.

Ingredients (serves 3)
180 grams (6 oz) semolina
35 cl (1½ cup) milk
2 eggs
60 grams (4 tbsp) butter
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
50 grams (1.8 oz) grated Gruyère
pepper and salt
25 cl (1 cup) dry white wine
80 cl (3½ cup) milk
50 grams (3 tbsp) salted butter
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
20 grams (¾ oz) dried ceps
pepper and salt

In a saucepan, heat butter, milk, salt and pepper. When milk is hot, add semolina and whisk until mixture swells, dries and detaches from the pan. Then stir in Gruyère and flour, mix, remove from heat and let cool. Add eggs one by one and mix well.
Shape quenelles (dumplings) by mounding mixture between 2 warmed table spoons. Set each quenelle on floured surface and roll gently. Bring a large volume of salter water to a boil, then poach quenelles for about 5 minutes or until they float to the top. Remove and place quenelles in a bowl of cold water. Drain and arrange in a buttered baking dish. Preheat oven to 190˚C (375˚F).
Put the ceps in a bowl of water and heat in microwave oven for 3 minutes. Drain and set aside. In a saucepan, melt butter on medium heat, then add flour to obtain a roux. Gradually pour the milk and white wine for a creamy but not too thick Béchamel sauce. add the porcini to the sauce, then salt and pepper. Pour sauce on top of quenelles, then sprinkle breadcrumbs. Bake for about 30 minutes.

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Raspberry and Chamallows Lollipops

Made with one of the most popular French candies these lollipops are a lot of fun to make with kids.


Ingredients (for 6 lollipops)
6 Chamallows candies
250 grams (½ lb) fresh raspberries
90 grams (
cup) sugar
6 lollipop sticks

In a saucepan cook raspberries with 3 tbsp water on very low heat without stirring. Drain cooked raspberries and keep juice.
In another saucepan cook sugar, Chamallows and raspberry juice on low heat. Stir well then increase heat and bring to a boil. Set aside.
Oil a sheet of parchment paper (or use a silicon baking mat). Make small pools of mixture (3 tbsp each) on the sheet. Add lollipop sticks then top with rest of mixture. Let cool completely. Keep lollipops in an airtight container.

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Cherries in Liquor

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Griottines Cake

100 grams ( cup) all-purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 egg
2 tbsp honey
65 grams ( cup) sugar
1 pinch of salt
80 grams (6 tbsp) clarified butter
half a 350 ml jar of Griottines

Preheat oven to 145˚C (300˚F). Grease and line loaf tin.
Drain Griottines, reserving juice.
Sieve flour and baking powder into bowl. Add sugar and salt. Incorporate egg and honey and mix in food processor. Melt butter to 50˚C (120˚F) and combine with mixture. Add Griottines.
Pour into prepared tin and bake for 40 mins until golden brown.
As soon as cake comes out of the oven, make holes randomly in the cake using a cocktail stick or skewer and pour reserved Griottines juice over to soak in.

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Chestnut Spread

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Ardèche Cake
Ingredients (serves 8)
4 eggs
100 grams (½ cup) sugar (less is fine)
3 Tbsp rum
150 grams (1 cup) all-purpose wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
500 grams (18 oz) chestnut spread
150 grams (10 Tbsp) butter

Mix the sugar, the eggs and the rum. Add the flour and the baking powder to the mix and blend.
Mix the chestnut spread and the melted butter. Add to the batter.
Pour the preparation in a cake mold and bake at
150°C (300°F) for 45 minutes.
Remove from the mold when the cake is still hot. Serve cold.

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Chestnut and Chocolate Cake

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Ingredients (serves 6-8)
500 grams (18 oz) chesnut spread
100 grams (3½ oz) baking chocolate
3 eggs
100 grams
(3½ oz) butter + 10 grams for the pan

Preheat oven to 150ºC (300ºF).
Let butter and chocolate melt in a small sauce pan placed in a large saucepan filled with boiling water (the so-called bain-marie technique). Mix well.
Whip in chestnut spread. Beat whole eggs and incorporate into mixture. Mix well.
Pour the batter into a buttered cake tray. Bake for 20-30 minutes. The cake must remain soft. You can sprinkle the cake with a little powdered sugar.

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Crêpe Mix

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Have little time?


Ingredients (for 12 crêpes):
1 pouch Francine crêpe mix
50 cl (2 cups) milk
1 tbsp neutral oil or 25 g (1½ tbsp) butter

Whip the milk and the content of the pouch together. No need to wait, the batter is ready!
Pour one ladleful of batter in a hot, slightly oiled frying pan.
Wait till the down side of your crêpe is golden then turn it upside down with a spatula.
Your crêpe is ready when the other side has turned golden. Repeat for more crêpes.
If you are making sweet crêpes, you can add some sugar in the batter and flavor it with orange blossom water. As for filling, strawberry jam, melted chocolate, mirabelle jam flambé with Grand Marnier, chestnut spread, lemon syrup are but a few delicious options. Let your imagination guide you and remember savory crêpes are also a treat. Try them with cheese, ham, mushrooms or tapenade.

Have some time?


Ingredients (for about 18 crêpes)
250 g (9 oz) all-purpose wheat flour
3 eggs
50 cl (2 cups) milk or 25 cl (1 cup) milk + 25 cl (1 cup) water or beer
1 table spoonful oil or 25 g (1 oz) butter
a pinch of salt

Whip the milk and the content of the pouch together. No need to wait, the batter is ready!
Pour one ladleful of batter in a hot, slightly oiled frying pan.
Wait till the down side of your crêpe is golden then turn it upside down with a spatula.
Your crêpe is ready when the other side has turned golden. Repeat for more crêpes.
If you are making sweet crêpes, you can add some sugar in the batter and flavor it with orange blossom water. As for filling, strawberry jam, melted chocolate, mirabelle jam flambé with Grand Marnier, chestnut spread, lemon syrup are but a few delicious options. Let your imagination guide you and remember savory crêpes are also a treat. Try them with cheese, ham, mushrooms or tapenade.

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Crozet, Vegetable & Lemon Salad

Crozet, Vegetable & Lemon Salad

Crozets are often used in cold season dishes but they work handsomely in this spring recipe.

Ingredients (serves 4)
400 g (14 oz)
2 medium zucchinis
1 small eggplant
1 red bell pepper
1 small red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp ground coriander
10 cl (
½ cup) olive oil
2 preserved lemons
juice of 1 lemon
30 g (1 oz) almonds, crushed
3 sprigs mint, chopped
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 200ºC (400ºF).
Cut all vegetables in 1 cm dices. Mix with half olive olive oil, onion, garlic, and spices. Add salt and pepper. Spread in a large oven tray. Cook in oven for about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender.
Bring a large quantity of salted water to a boil then cook crozets for 15 minutes. Drain and rince with cold water.
Chop preserved lemons (optional), then mix with crozets, lemon juice and rest of olive oil. Add roasted vegetables and mix delicately.
Sprinkle crushed almonds and chopped mint just before serving.

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Salmon with Sesame and Crozets


An easy to make gourmet entree showcasing the French Alps' famous buckwheat pasta

Ingredients (serves 4)
300 g

4 portions salmon without skin
½ medium green cabbage
80 g (6 Tbsp) butter
juice of 1 lime
3 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
10 g (
½ oz) toasted sesame seeds
salt and pepper to taste

Bring 6 cups of water to a boil. Cook crozets in water for 15 minutes. Drain and set aside.
Wash cabbage leaves. Remove hard stems. Cut in stripes. Cook in salted boiling water for a few minutes, then put in ice cold water (to preserve green color). Drain and set aside.
In a large saucer pan heat half of butter, then cook cabbage stripes for 5 minutes with lid on. Set aside on low heat.
Sauté salmon portions with a quarter of butter, then lay in a plate containing sesame seed (only one side of each portion should have a layer of sesame seeds). Keep warm.
Deglaze the pan with soy sauce, sugar, and lemon juice. After liquid is reduced by half add crozets and the rest of butter. Stir well.Serve crozets and cabbage topped with a portion of salmon on each plate.


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Crozets with Vegetables

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 large zucchini
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
2 Tsp olive oil
200 g (7 oz) crozets
200 g (7 oz) lardons or diced bacon
1 bouillon cube

Sauté vegetables with olive oil on low to medium heat
. Stir often.
Bring water with bouillon cube to a boil, then cook crozets for about 20 minutes.
Once vegetables are cooked add in lardons and mix.
Once crozets are cooked drain then add in to vegetables. Mix and serve.

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Crozet Gratin

Ingredients (serves 6)
400 grams (14 oz) crozets
6 slices of Prosciutto
75 cl (1½ pint) heavy liquid cream
100 grams ( oz) grated Gruyère
grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Cook crozets in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Pour the cream in a gratin tray, add some grated Parmesan and all diced Prosciutto. When crozets are cooked, drain and pour on top of the cream. Add all grated gruyère and the rest of grated Parmesan. Add some salt and pepper. Bake for 45 minutes.

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Dijon Mustard

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Veal Chops with Dijon Mustard

Get your taste buds ready for Amora Dijon mustard! French beans are a great side for this dish.

Ingredients (serves 4)
4 veal chops
1 tbsp olive oil
40 grams (3 tbsp) butter
8 tbsp heavy liquid cream
4 tbsp Dijon mustard
salt and pepper

Heat the oil and butter together in the pan. Brown the veal chops on both sides (about 10 minutes).
Add salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes on low heat.
Remove the chops from the pan and place them in a dish, keep warm.
Put the cream and mustard in the pan. Mix with the cooking juices of the meat. Heat for 2 minutes and pour over the chops.

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Ebly Wheat

Ebly, Strawberry & Burrata Salad with Pistachio Pesto

Ebly, strawberry & burrata salad

Ingredients (serves 4)
Ebly pre-cooked wheat
100g fresh strawberries
50g fresh green peas
1 ball burrata, cut in pieces
20g pistachios, crushed
a few leaves basil
40g Parmesan cheese, cut in small pieces
50g pistachios
2 bunches basil
olive oil

First prepare the pesto. Mix Parmesan, pistachios, basil and olive oil in a food processor until the mixture is smooth.
Bring a large volume of water to the boil and Cook Ebly for 10 minutes. Rinse in cold water and drain.
In a separate saucer pan bring water to the boil. Pour green peas in and cook 6-7 minutes. Pour cooked peas in a bowl of icy water to keep their color bright.
Rinse, hull, and cut strawberries in quarters.
Present Ebly on a large serving plate with strawberries, peas, and burrata pieces. Sprinkle crushed pistachios and basil leaves and serve with pistachio pesto.

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Ebly Taboulé

Ingredients (serves 6)

150 g (5.3 oz) pre-cooked Ebly wheat
1 cucumber
1 medium onion
2 medium tomatoes
several sprigs parsley, chopped
2 sprigs mint, chopped
juice of 1 lemon
4 Tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Cook Ebly wheat in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain and rinse with cold water to cool.
Cut all vegetables in small dices. Prepare a vinaigrette with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Mix Ebly, vegetables, parsley, mint and vinaigrette. Adjust seasoning with lemon juice if necessary.

Serve very cool and pair with a rosé wine.

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Ebly Wheat Mixed Salad

What we love about this salad is its colorfulness and its mix of crunchy and soft textures. Chances are, everybody will want a second serving!  

Ingredients (serves 5-6)
200 grams (7 oz) Ebly wheat
16 surimi sticks
2 medium sized tomatoes
1 small green pepper
1 avocado (not too soft)
1 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tbsp heavy cream
juice of 1 lemon
chives and parsley (about 1 tbsp of each)
salt and pepper to taste 


Cook Ebly wheat in boiling water
for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut surimi sticks, tomatoes, green pepper and avocado into small dices.
Chop chives and parsley, then add to mix. Add a dash of lemon juice to keep avocado nice and green.
Mix mayonnaise with the rest of lemon juice and cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Mix wheat,
diced surimi and vegetables and dressing, then refrigerate at least 30 minutes.
Remove salad from fridge 10 minutes before serving with a cool rosé wine.

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Creole Avocado with Ebly Wheat

Ingredients (serves 4)
40 grams (1.4 oz) of Ebly wheat
2 avocados
1 can of crab meat
2 tomatoes
1 lemon
tabasco and salt
Cook Ebly wheat in salted boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain and let cool dow. Cut tomatoes and avocados in small dices. Mix with crab meat and Ebly wheat. Add salt, lemon juice, a dash of tabasco. Serve cool in the avocado half-shells.

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Duck Confit Ebly

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Ingredients (serves 4)
250 grams (8.8 oz) of Ebly wheat
4 legs duck confit
2 cloves of garlic
Italian parsley
salt and pepper

Remove fat from duck legs. Set aside 1 tsp of duck fat. Preheat oven to 210ºC (410ºF). Bake duck legs for 15 minutes. Cook Ebly wheat in salted boiling water for 10 minutes then drain. Add reserved duck fat, chopped garlic and parsley and mix well. Arrange duck legs with Ebly wheat on individual plates. Add some parsley and serve immediately.

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Escargot Beignets


Ingredients (serves 6)
60 Burgundy escargots
250 grams (2
¼ cups) all-purpose wheat flour
2 eggs
2 egg whites
25 cl (1¼ cup) light ale
6 tbsp olive oil
fresh parsley, tarragon, chives, and
chervil (1 sprig of each)
salt and pepper

Preparation (30 minutes active time)
Mix all the herbs, 1 tbsp olive oil, and a pinch of salt. Drain the escargots, then let them marinate in this mixture for about one hour.
Mix the whole eggs, flour, and light ale, then season with the salt and pepper. Stir until the batter is homogeneous then set aside for about 20 minutes.
Whip the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt then incorporate delicately into the batter. Heat 5 Tbsp of olive oil in a fryer or a deep saucer pan. The oil is the right temperature when a small piece of bread crisps quickly in it. Pour half a dozen of the marinated escargots into the batter, then fry them in the pan. Take them out when they have turned nicely golden. Lay the beignets on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Keep warm in a low oven. Repeat with the rest of the escargots.
Serve the beignets on a tray with parsley and cocktail sticks or on top of a salad (you can use the same herb mixture to make the dressing). Excellent with a dry white wine from Burgundy! 

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Espelette Pepper

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Warm Goat Cheese with Espelette Pepper

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 countryside bread
1 fresh goat cheese
liquid honey
ground Espelette pepper
1 salad or a few endives
Parmesan shavings

Make a layer of salad (or endives) on each plate. Add oil, vinegar and Parmesan shavings.
Cut 4 slices of bread and put 1 slice of goat cheese on each. Pour a little honey on each  slice. Add some ground Espelette pepper. Grill in the oven for a few minutes.

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This Basque classic is a delicious accompaniment to fish (try grilled salmon or boiled cod) or scrambled eggs. Make plenty, piperade is even better re-heated.

Ingredients (serves 4) 
3 plum tomatoes, roughly chopped, about 2 cups
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
2 medium green bell peppers, stem, seeds and ribs removed, roughly chopped
½ tsp salt
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp ground piment d'Espelette

In a 12-inch skillet over medium high heat, heat oil until hot but not smoking. Add onions, peppers and salt and sauté, stirring frequently, until onions are translucent and peppers have started to lighten in spots, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and continue to sauté for 1 more minute.
Stir in tomatoes, sugar and piment d’Espelette, reduce heat to medium, cover and cook until tomatoes are starting to fall apart and peppers are soft but still hold their shape, about 15 minutes. Remove cover and continue to cook, stirring frequently, until mixture thickens like a slightly runny relish, about 5 minutes more. Adjust salt.

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Fleur de Sel

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Red Tuna and Scallop Tartare

If you are looking for a light, flavorful way to begin a celebration dinner, this refined appetizer is a winner. Conveniently, most of the preparation takes place several hours before serving.

Ingredients (serves 4
2 slices of raw red tuna
4 raw scallops
200 grams (7 oz) green lentils
1 bunch of chive
1 bunch of mint
1 bunch of basil
1 bunch of dill
4 medium-sized shallots
juice of ½ lemon
juice of ½ lime
10 cl (¼ pint) liquid cream
olive oil
fleur de sel

Cook the lentils and keep them in a bowl.
While still warm, add 4 tbsp of olive oil, a good pinch of fleur de sel and some pepper. Leave it to cool.
Finely chop the herbs and the shallots. Add half to the lentils. Mix and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.
Slice the tuna finely and chop the scallops. Mix and put in a bowl with the other half of the herbs and shallots mix. Add 4 tablespoonfuls of olive oil, the lemon and lime juices.
Season to taste with fleur de sel and pepper. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.
Just before serving, add the cream to the tuna and scallops. Form 2 layers, lentils at the bottom and tuna and scallops on top, shaping them with a circular pastry-cutter. Add a pinch of fleur sel on each tartar.
As a side, add mesclun or spinach sautéed for a couple of minutes in a little olive oil and lemon juice, with ground nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Serve with a
chilled rosé wine.

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Gelatin Sheets

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Raspberry Charlotte

500 grams (17.6 oz) raspberries (fresh or frozen)
150 grams (5.3 oz) whole crème fraîche (or heavy liquid cream)
100 grams (3.5 oz) sugar
3 gelatin sheets
2 egg whites
hard lady fingers
3 tbsp raspberry syrup
raspberry purée

Start preparing the day before.
Let the gelatin sheets soak in cold water for 5-10 minutes.
Squash 300 g of de-frozen (or fresh) raspberries in a pan (keep the remaining 200 g in the fridge) and cook over a slow heat.
When the raspberries are liquid, stir in sugar, then melted gelatin sheets. Keep aside.
Whip the cream. Beat the egg whites stiff.
Pour the raspberry mix in a bowl and stir in whipped cream and stiff beaten whites very delicately.
Keep the raspberry mousse in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
The next day, line a charlotte baking pan (basically a round, fairly high pan) with lady fingers soaked in raspberry syrup and water (1 unit of syrup to 6 units of water) for just a few seconds.
Pour half of the raspberry mousse into the lined pan and even out. Add the remaining raspberries and finish with a second layer of mousse. Cover the surface with soaked lady fingers and apply a heavy plate. Don't mind some overflowing, for the sake of compactness.
Keep the charlotte in the fridge for at least 4 hours. Invert into serving plate and serve with raspberry purée.

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Germon Tuna

Tuna & Tomato Tart

Tuna & Tomato Tart

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 tin
white germon tuna, crumbled
1 9-inch circle puff pastry (or 4 smaller circles for tartlets)
4 medium to large tomatoes, sliced
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard
Provence herbs to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF).
Lay puff pastry onto a tart tray. Make tiny holes with a fork. Spread mustard.
Spread crumbled tuna. Top with tomato slices. Sprinkle Provence herbs, salt, and pepper.
Bake 45 minutes. Serve fresh from oven.

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Green Flageolets

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Green Flageolets with Tomatoes

Ingredients (serves 4)
220 grams (½ lb) green flageolets
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion
4 tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp paprika
spices (for example, Espelette pepper powder)

Let flageolets soak in water the night before cooking.
Drain and cook flageolets in boiling water for 30 minutes.
In a separate pan, glaze minced onion and pealed and chopped tomatoes.
Add minced garlic, drained flageolets, paprika, salt and spices.
Add a little water, cover and let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
Add some chopped parsley before serving.

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Green Lentils

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Green Lentils Summer Salad

Ingredients (serves 4)
250 grams Le Puy green lentils
3 medium-sized tomatoes
coriander seeds
1½ tbsp whole grain mustard
2 tbsp walnut oil
2 tbsp raspberry vinegar
Italian parsley

Cook lentils in twice their volume of water for 20 minutes. Taste before removing from heat.
Cut tomatoes in small slices.
Make a dressing with whole grain mustard, walnut oil and raspberry vinegar.
Mix delicately lentils, tomatoes, coriander seeds and dressing.
Keep refrigerated at least 20 minutes. Add a few leaves of Italian parsley just before serving.

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Green Mint Syrup

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Ceinture verte (alcohol-free)
Lemonade + lemon juice + mint syrup

Green mint coola (with alcohol)
Mint syrup + Curuçao liquor + vodka

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Grenadine Syrup

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Pinky Cooler (alcohol-free)
Grenadine syrup + tonic water + grapefruit juice

Barbotage (with alcohol)
Lemon juice + orange juice + sparkling wine + grenadine syrup

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Shrimp Marinade Noodles

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 kilogram (2 lb) large shrimps (frozen or fresh)
2 tbsp chopped garlic
fresh coriander
3 tbsp olive oil
1 bell pepper of each color
10 black olives
soy sauce
juice of 1 lemon
300 grams (10 oz) noodles

Prepare the evening before or in the morning for dinner.
Mix harissa, chopped garlic, coriander, olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce, chopped peppers and olives and let the unshelled shrimps soak in the marinade.
Before the meal, sauté the broccoli with a little oil for 10 minutes in a large frying pan. Add the marinade and continue to cook and stir while cooking the pasta.
Serve the hot pasta and marinade on plates.

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Hazelnut Oil

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French Bean and Goat Cheese Salad

Ingredients (for 2 persons):
300g (11oz) fresh French beans
1 fresh goat cheese (100g /
20g (1oz) walnuts
2 tablespoonfuls hazelnut oil
1 shallot
Salt and pepper

Steam the French beans, drain and let cool down.
Add a dash of hazelnut oil, some salt and pepper and mix delicately.
Add the chopped shallot and walnuts and mix. Add goat cheese crumbs on top.

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Spaghetti with Hazelnut Oil

Ingredients (for 4 persons):
500 g of fine spaghetti
Hazelnut oil
Shaved Parmesan
Salt and pepper

Cook the spaghetti and put them in a bowl. Add hazelnut oil, Parmesan salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.

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Lavender Shortbread

Lavender shortbread

These aromatic sablés à la lavande are quite the afternoon tea treat!

Ingredients (for about 16 pieces)
140 g (9
Tbsp) butter, cut in dices
250 g (
2 cups) all-purpose wheat flour
100 g (½ cup) sugar
1 pinch
1 pouch vanilla sugar
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp dried lavender flowers

On a clean surface mix flour, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar with hands, then add butter dices and mix with hand until the dough is homogeneous but not completely smooth.
Add egg yolk, then mix until homogeneous. Add lavender flowers, then mix again.
Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Roll the dough into long cylinder (2" or 2½" diameter) and refrigerate 20 minutes.
Cut the dough in circles (½" thick). Bake on a baking sheet 20 minutes or until they turn to a nice golden color.

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Lavender Cake

1½ cup all-purpose wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
4 Tbsp unsalted butter, soft
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp dried lavender
½ cup milk
1 cup confectioners sugar
2 Tsp water
1 tsp dried lavender

Place oven rack in the middle. Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF).
Mix flour and baking powder in a bowl.
In another bowl whisk butter, sugar and eggs until the mixture whitens. Whisk in vanilla extract and lavender. Whisk in flour and baking powder alternating with milk. Fill a buttered rectangular (9"x5") cake pan.
Bake for about 45 minutes. The cake is ready when a knife blade inserted and removed from it remains dry. Let cool.
Mix confectioners sugar and water. Pour mixture on top of cake and let run down the sides. Spread lavender.

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Lavender Ice Cream

This gourmet ice cream is really easy to make. Now, nobody said you should tell your guests... 

Ingredients (serves 6-8)
3 tbsp lavender flowers
2 tbsp sweet white wine (Sauternes or Muscat)
2 cups heavy liquid cream
⅔ cup sugar
2 egg whites
Mix the lavender flowers and the wine in a bowl. Let infuse in a warm place for 5 minutes.
Whip the cream stiff. Filter the wine and add it gradually to the cream with half of the sugar while whipping.
Beat the egg whites, not too stiff, with the rest of the sugar. Mix the egg whites and the cream delicately. You can also add lavender flowers in the mix to accentuate the taste and decorate.
Freeze for 3 to 4 hours, until the texture of the ice cream is just firm.

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Lavender Essence from Grasse

Lavender crème brûlée

Crème brûlée à la lavande

A fragrant dessert to get you started on culinary essences

Ingredients (serves 4)
240 ml (1 cup) heavy liquid cream

tsp lavender essence
2 egg yolks
2 Tbsp sugar
2 drops vanilla essence
2 tsp cassonade
ice cubes

Pre-heat oven to 90ºC (195ºF).
Bring cream and lavender extract to a boil then let cool at room temperature.
Beat egg yolks, sugar and vanilla essence. Add cream and mix well.
Pour mixture in 4 ramekins and set aside for 20 minutes.
Put ramekins in oven for 1 hour. Remove and let cool at room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Turn on oven's grill setting.
Sprinkle cassonade on top of cream in ramekins. Arrange ramekins in a oven tray filled with water and ice cubes. Grill 1 to 2 minutes. (It's even better if you have a crème brûlée torch, of course.)
Serve with lavender flowers on top of crème brûlée.

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Lemon Essence from Grasse

Lemon and Ginger Cake

Lemon & Ginger Cake

Here it is, your intensely flavorful afternoon tea treat.

Ingredients (serves 6)
125 grams (8 Tbsp) butter, melted

3 eggs
225 grams (1 cup) sugar
juice and zests of 2 lemons
tsp lemon essence
1 tsp ground ginger
a pinch of salt
250 grams (¾
cup) all purpose flour
½ pouch baking powder
75 grams (2½ oz) candied ginger, cut in small pieces

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
Mix eggs and sugar until mixture whitens. Add lemon juice and zests, lemon essence, then melted butter. Mix. Add salt and ground ginger. Add flour and baking powder. Add pieces of candied ginger. Pour mixture in a buttered (or silicon) rectangular cake tray.
Bake 1 hour. Remove from oven and let cool 10 minutes before removing cake from tray.

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Lemon Syrup

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Tropical Sunset (alcohol-free)
Orange juice + lemon syrup + grenadine syrup + passion fruit syrup

Vodka Lemon Tonic (with alcohol)
Tonic water + vodka + Curuçao liquor + lemon syrup

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Mango Syrup

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Asia Sun (alcohol-free)
Lemon juice + lychee juice + mango syrup

Pineapple Rum (with alcohol)
Lemon juice + rum + pineapple juice + mango syrup + grenadine syrup

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Pasta Salad with Shrimps and Grapefruit

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Ingredients (serves 4)
250 grams (9 oz) penne
200 grams (7 oz) cooked pink shrimps
2 pink grapefruits
1 tsp curry
1 tsp coriander seeds
2 Tsp olive oil

1 Tsp Melfor
salt and pepper

Cook the penne in boiling water with a pinch of salt and a dash of olive oil, then pour in a colander.
Peel the shrimps. Peel the grapefruits and cut the segments in halves.
In a bowl, mix the curry and coriander seeds with the olive oil and Melfor. Add salt and pepper to your taste.
Let the pasta cool down, then drain. Mix the pasta, shrimps and grapefruit segments in the salad bowl. Et voilà, your pasta salad is ready to be served!

Potato Salad


Ingredients (serves 4)
2-3 small sweet potatoes
4 medium purple potatoes
1 shallot
5 celery stalks
1 lime
1 lemon
1 clove garlic
a few sprigs coriander
a few sprigs mint
1 Tbsp soy sauce
3 Tbsp olive oil
3 Tbsp Melfor

Mince shallot and garlic.
Cook purple potatoes in salted boiling water for 15-20 minutes.
Bake sweet potatoes in oven at 180ºC (350ºF) for 35-40 minutes
Soak sweet and purple potatoes in cold water, peel them, then cut them in small cubes.
Cube celery stalks.
In as salad bowl mix sweet and purple potatoes, celery, shallot, and garlic. Season with Melfor, olive oil, lime and lemon juices, and soy sauce. Mix again.
Just before serving chop parsley and mint and sprinkle. Serve cool.

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Scallops with asparagus and morel cream

Ingredients (serves 6)
36 scallops
36 asparagus heads
2 shallots
36 dried morels
60 cl (2.5 cups) heavy liquid cream
3 tablespoons Cognac brandy
1 cup beef broth
salt and pepper
lamb's lettuce (as a side)

Soak the dried morels overnight.
Sauté the thinly chopped shallots in a  little butter then add the morels. Filter the soaking juice and let it reduce by half.
Add the juice, cream, beef broth and brandy to the shallots and morels. Let cook till the mixture has a creamy texture. Add a little maizena if it is too liquid. Finish with a tablespoon of butter.
Sauté the scallops in butter. Season with salt and pepper.
Steam the asparagus. Dress each plate with asparagus on a lamb's lettuce bed seasoned with balsamic vinegar next to the scallops in morel sauce.

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Olive Oil

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Mediterranean Garden Salad Dressing

Ingredients (for a large salad)
4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp fleur de sel
½ tsp basil (dry)
½ tsp oregano ( leaves only)
1 clove fresh organic garlic (crushed)
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Mix the olive oil and the lemon juice briskly, then add in all the other ingredients. Et voilà!

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Orange Blossom Water

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Franche-Comté Epiphany Galette

¼ liter (1 cup) water
90 grams ( cup) sugar
50 grams (4 Tbsp) butter
125 grams (1⅛ cup) all-purpose flour
4 eggs
3 Tbsp crème fraîche
2 Tbsp orange blossom water

In a sauce pan bring water, sugar and a pinch of salt to a boil then lower heat to medium. Stir in butter then flour. Mix until dough detach from pan.
Remove from heat and let cool for a couple of minutes. Stir in 3 whole eggs, 1 egg white, crème fraîche, and orange blossom water. mix until smooth.
Pour mixture onto a buttered round baking tray. Brush surface with remaining egg yolk and draw decorative lines on top with a fork.
Bake at 160ºC (320ºF) for about 40 minutes. (Do not pre-heat oven.) Serve warm or at room temperature.

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Orange Jam

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Brady Cookies

Ingredients (for 50 cookies)
4 eggs
120 grams (4oz) sugar
50 grams (2oz) flour
50 grams (2oz) maizena
mixed spice powders: cinnamon, clove, ginger, green anise, nutmeg
60 grams (4 Tbsp) melted butter
20 cl
(½ pint) orange jam
80 grams (3oz) dark baking chocolate

Pre-heat oven at 180°C (360

Whisk yolks and sugar until the batter is white.
Add flour, maizena, spice powders, then melted butter and beaten egg-whites.
Pour the batter on a baking tray and even out with a spatula.
Bake for 15 minutes. The cake must remain soft.
When the cake has cooled down, cut 3 cm circles with a pastry-cutter or a small cup.
Heat the orange jam and the baking chocolate separately. Spread some orange jam, then some melted chocolate on each cookie.

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Passion Fruit Syrup

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Cupidon (alcohol-free)
Lemon juice + orange juice + pineapple juice + passion fruit syrup

Blush & Passion (with alcohol)
Rosé wine + passion fruit syrup

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Pâté Hénaff

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Hénaff Baked Potatoes

Ingredients (serves 4)
8 large potatoes
2 cans of pâté Hénaff
salted butter
salt and pepper

Boil unpeeled potatoes in salted water. Make sure they are not overcooked.
Cut potatoes in 2 lengthwise.
When temperature allows, carve each potato half with a teaspoon until shell is about 2mm (1/10 inch) thick.
Mash potato carvings with salted butter or heavy cream.
Add mashed pâté Hénaff, chiseled chive to your taste, salt and pepper.
Fill the carved potato halves with preparation.
Add the rest of chiseled chive, a little melted butter and bake at 180°C (350°F) for 10 to 15 minutes.
Serve with a green salad.

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Peach Syrup

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Mongo (alcohol-free)
Mango juice + orange juice + peach syrup

Bellini (with alcohol)
Sparkling wine + peach syrup

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Petit Épeautre (Einkorn)

Cereal Bars

Cereal Bars

This is your chance to make your own scrumptious cereal bars for your next hike!

250g rice
acacia honey
100g petit épeautre
50g rolled oats
milk chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 170°C (340°F).
In a large pan sauté rice in high heat until it pops. Remove rice and repeat with petit épeautre.
In a large bowl mix rice, petit épeautre, and rolled oats, then add in honey, and chocolate chips. Mix again.
Pour mixture in small rectangular silicon molds, then press. Bake 18 minutes.
Remove from oven. Let cool 10 minutes. Remove bars from molds and keep in an airtight container.
Happy gourmand hiking!

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Provence Herbs

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Zucchini Bread

3 large (or 4 medium-sized) zucchinis
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
2 tbsp Provence herbs
3 eggs
12.5 cl (½ cup) crème fraîche (or heavy liquid cream)
3 or 4 biscottes, crumbled

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
Cut the zucchinis in small dices, then sauté in olive oil with the minced garlic, salt, pepper and Provence herbs.
Beat the eggs energetically then mix with the cream and crumbled biscottes. Add the zucchinis and mix again.
Bake in a buttered loaf tray for about 45 minutes.
Serve cold or at room temperature.

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Provence Herbs Mustard

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Tuna Pie

Ingredients (for 4 persons):
3 tablespoonfuls olive oil
3 tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp of Provence herbs mustard
150 grams (5 oz) olives
250 grams (9 oz) tuna crumbs
350 grams (12 oz) flaky pastry dough
salt and pepper

Chop and cook the tomatoes for 15 minutes with 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil, minced garlic, salt, pepper and Provence herbs mustard.
Spread the dough in a 20cm diameter pie tray. Pour the preparation and add some oregano and a dash of olive oil.
Bake at 180°C
(360°F) for 30 minutes.

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Pure Cane Syrup

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China Rose Tea

½ oz pure cane syrup
½ oz rose syrup
8 oz fresh brewed tea

Fill glass with ice. Add Monin syrups and fill with fresh brewed tea. Stir or shake to mix. Garnish.

Glass size: 18 oz

Fresh Margarita

1 oz pure cane syrup
1½ oz reposado tequila
1 oz fresh lime juice

Combine ingredients in the shaker. Cap and shake vigorously. Pour into serving glass. Garnish with salt rimmer and lime.

Glass size: 12 oz

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Raspberry Syrup

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Raspberry Shake (alcohol-free)
Milk + vanila ice + raspberry syrup

Sweet Berries (with alcohol)
Cranberry juice +vodka + raspberry syrup

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Red Wine Vinegar

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Chanterelle Salad with Endives and Red Wine Vinegar

Ingredients (serves 4 persons)
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
4 tbsp chopped parsley
1 duck steaklet
150 grams (5 oz) chanterelle mushrooms
100 grams (
3½ oz
) endives
20 grams (1oz) butter
2 shallots
3 tsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Wash and drain the endives and the chanterelles.
Brown the duck steaklet on the fatty side over a high heat, and then allow to cook for 10 minutes. Cut into strips and keep warm.
Salt and pepper the chanterelles and sauté them for 3 minutes in the butter.
Add the chopped shallots and the parsley, keep warm.
Mix the oil with the vinegar.
Toss the salad, the chanterelles with the shallots and parsley and the vinaigrette.
Add the warm duck steaklet just before serving.

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Strawberry Syrup

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Cassiopée (alcohol-free)
Guava juice + mango juice + orange juice + strawberry syrup

Havana Club (with alcohol)
Strawberry +lemon juice + rum + strawberry syrup

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Walnut Oil

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Kale and Walnut Chiffonade

1 small green kale
40 g (
1½ oz)
80 g (3 oz) grated Cantal cheese
50 g (2 oz) ham dices
20 g ( Tsp) butter
50 grams (2 oz) heavy liquid cream
2 Tsp Xérès vinegar
2 Tsp walnut oil
coarse sea salt
salt and pepper

Remove the largest leafs and the stump, cut the kale in 4 quarters and wash it. Cut into ½ cm strips.
Boil a large quantity of water salted with coarse salt and blanch the minced kale in it for 1 minute.
Heat the butter and the walnut oil in a large pot and brown the chopped walnuts. Add the  ham, the kale. Let cook for 10 minutes and stir from time to time.
Add the vinegar. Wait 1 minute and add the liquid cream, hald of the cantal cheese, pepper and salt.
Serve the chiffonade in its pot, with the rest of the Cantal cheese.

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Whole Grain Mustard

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Ice Cold Mushroom Salad

Ingredients (serves 4)
600 grams (1½ lb) button mushrooms
juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp whole grain mustard
2 tbsp sour cream

Wash and cut the mushrooms in quarters. Cook them on medium heat with 5 cl (4 tbsp) of salted water and the lemon juice.
Drain, add the whole grain mustard and the cream and mix delicately.
Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

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Xérès Vinegar

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Chicken with Xérès Vinegar

Ingredients (for 4 persons):
5 tbsp Xérès vinegar
1 farmhouse chicken (1.5 kg / 3.3lb)
150 grams (10 tbsp) butter
4 shallots
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper

Preparation :
Preheat oven to 220°C (430°F). Cut the chicken into 8 regular sized pieces. In a pan over low heat, lightly brown the chicken (after seasoning with salt and pepper) in 2/3 of the butter.
Place all into an oven dish, cover and place in the oven for 50 minutes. Check the cooking, remove the chicken from the dish and keep warm. During this time, over a low heat, sauté the shallots in the cooking juices. Add the vinegar and the lemon juice, allow to reduce by half and whisk in the remaining butter.
Cover the chicken with this sauce and serve.

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