
20% OFF Senteurs de France scented soaps


Spring fragrances are delighting us outdoors — this is a lovely time time to match them with Senteurs de France scented soaps indoors. Sample our handpicked selection now and take 20% OFF with the code SENTEURS.


Our selection features donkey milk soaps in six fragrances (cherry blossom, lavender, lotus flower, lemon, verbena, and raspberry), mini Marseille soaps in four fragrances (jasmine, lavender, verbena, and violet), and adorable mini heart-shaped soaps in four fragrances (honeysuckle, lavender, lily of the valley, and rose).


Breath in. Breath out.

Marianne Prébet

Owner & Gourmand-in-Chief

This month's deals: 20% OFF our entire selection of Senteurs de France scented soaps (code SENTEURS)


Just in: more French favorites

Among the French favorites recently added to our shelves you will find Les Mouettes d'Arvor langoustine rillettes, Brets potato chips with Jura cheese, BN Casse-Croûte cookies, Mercier chocolate "saucisson" and poker game, Maison Pécou's unique Liquicroq bonbons, and Ricqlès peppermint oil.

If there is a French treat you would like to find on our website, please share your craving with us.


Suggestions for your French agenda

There is plenty of exciting French cultural events all around America. Enjoy your picks!


The Cleveland Museum of Art presents Monet in Focus. Through August 11.


The Denver Art Museum presents The 19th Century in European and American Art.


Houston's Museum of Fine Arts presents Vertigo of Color: Matisse, Derain, and the Origins of Fauvism. Through May 27.


In Los Angeles the Getty Museum presents Camille Claudel, a major exhibition showcasing some 60 sculptures. Through July 21.


In Los Angeles the Getty Museum presents Hippolyte Bayard: A Persistent Pioneer. Through July 7.


In Los Angeles the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures presents Director's Inspiration: Agnès Varda, an exhibition showcasing the work of the most prominent female director of the New Wave. Through January 5, 2025.


In New York City, FIAF (French Institute) presents its new film series, Justine Triet: Anatomy of a Filmmaker. Through April 30. 


The Philadelphia Museum of Art present Rodin's Hands.Through January 25, 2025.


The Saint Louis Art Museum presents Matisse and the Sea. Through May 12.


In Washington, DC Marc Chagall's magistral Orphée mosaic in on view in the sculpture garden of the National Gallery.


Try out our recipe for lavender shortbread

Lavender shortbread

These aromatic sablés à la lavande are quite the afternoon tea treat!

Ingredients (for about 16 pieces)
140 g (9
Tbsp) butter, cut in dices
250 g (
2 cups) all-purpose wheat flour
100 g (½ cup) sugar
1 pinch
1 pouch vanilla sugar
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp dried lavender flowers

On a clean surface mix flour, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar with hands, then add butter dices and mix with hand until the dough is homogeneous but not completely smooth.
Add egg yolk, then mix until homogeneous. Add lavender flowers, then mix again.
Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Roll the dough into long cylinder (2" or 2½" diameter) and refrigerate 20 minutes.
Cut the dough in circles (½" thick). Bake on a baking sheet 20 minutes or until they turn to a nice golden color.